JDA & Associates




Professional and Organizational Development Consultants

Train for Trainers

The JDA & Associates Train the Trainer course is a complete program that can take novices to a competent level or a competent person to a facilitator level.

The train the trainer course is an a la cart menu of activities from which you can chose to put together the appropriate program for your organization. Whatever your choice, the program is tailored to your needs and your train the trainer course will develop the skills of your people where they need it.

Your train the trainer course could include; putting content together, designing a training session, ice breakers, and developing rapport with participants; create clear instructions; balancing training input with participants activities; focusing on participants needs.

        Key Features       


  • Menu of Ideas
  • Content Creation
  • Ice Breakers
  • Creating an Agenda
  • Facilitating Groups
  • Maintaining Momentum
  • Choosing Media
  • Getting People Involved
  • Handling Challenging Attitudues