JDA & Associates

John D. Antonishak, President




Professional and Organizational Development Consultants

Our Profile

JDA & Associates is a professional and organizational development firm that has been serving individual clients; corporate; non-profit foundations and organizations; local, state, and federal government agencies; and educational institutions.

JDA & Associates expertise spans three broad areas:

  • Leadership and Organizational Development
  • Systemic Innovations and Educational Reform
  • Executive Coaching and Effective Facilitation.

Within these areas, services include: program evaluation, organizational review, leadership skills training, accountability system evaluation, strategic planning, facilitation practice, data-driven decision-making processes, teambuilding, and curriculum development.

Our skilled professionals provide an expertise in designing and delivering successful professional development programs with evidence to support effectiveness of the desired program outcomes.

Excellence At Every Step


We know pre-packaged solutions do not always yield the best results. That is why our clients look to us to dig deeper, listen fully and provide high-impact services that deliver lasting results.

Through every phase of our work, no matter how straightforward or challenging, we act in your best interest. Our commitment to excellence is evident at every touch point ---from the first phone call to the final handshake.



Look to Us To Help You Achieve Long-term Success


“Thanks for being true to us and giving us room to grow.  It was challenging and forced us to really go to places we had never been before."


College Human Resource Officer
